washington based technology company

interaction and activity encouraged
A focus on easy movement from space to space, inclusivity for all users, and environments centered around collaboration led the scope of this ongoing project the firm hopes will increase their edge for attracting new talent in the competitive tech industry. We fabricated a custom suite of tech-enabled tables and interaction stations filled with biophilic details, data units, and user comfort to support these initiatives and encourage employee engagement.
Activity is encouraged and team-based spaces abound with each offering their own identity amid required ingredients including ADA accessibility, data integration, and sustainable materials. Details such as metal framed mesh legs, patterned solid wood planked tops, integrated planters and lighting, and a bean-shaped table further exemplify the individuality of each space, each piece within the space, and even each person using the piece within the space.
PROJECT: Tech Company Location Upgrade
LOCATION: Washington
DESIGN: Others, Meyer Wells